Alan Eisner Van Nuys, California (818) 781-1570 (818) 788-5033 Email Me
Alan Eisner has practiced criminal law for over 28 years in Los Angeles County. Mr Eisner is a Certified Specialist in Criminal Law. (The California State Bar's Board of Legal Specialization has designated Mr. Eisner as a Certified Specialist based on his high level of proficiency in criminal defense, extensive litigation of complex cases, and review of his character and background amongst peers, prosecutors and judges)
Mr. Eisner has litigated hundreds of felony and misdemeanor criminal cases, including murder, robbery, sex crimes, narcotic crimes, three strikes cases, white collar crimes, and theft crimes. He has successfully represented hundreds of clients at trial and all other stages of courtroom proceedings, including arraignment, bail hearings, preliminary hearings, probation violations, and sentencing hearings. See federal court victories here.

Mr. Eisner received his BA degree from the University of California , Berkeley in 1982. He received his JD law degree from Loyola Law School , Los Angeles in 1985. Mr. Eisner was admitted to the State Bar of California in 1987, admitted to the United States District Court, Central District of California in 1992, and was admitted to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in 2001. Mr. Eisner is a member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), California Attorney's for Criminal Justice (CACJ), the Criminal Courts Bar Association (CCBA), and the San Fernando Valley Bar Association.
Areas of Practice:
- 100% Criminal Defense
Litigation Percentage:
- 100% of Practice Devoted to Litigation
- Criminal Law, The State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization
Bar Admissions:
- California, 1986
- Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, California, 1985 J.D.
- Honors: Member, Moot Court Honors Board - 1984
- University of California at Berkeley, 1982 B.A.
Professional Associations and Memberships:
- Beverly Hills Bar Association Member
- American Bar Association Member
- State Bar of California Member
- Criminal Courts Bar Association Member
- Association of Federal Defense Attorneys Member
- Attorneys for Criminal Justice Member
Past Employment Positions:
- Los Angeles County Public Office, Attorney, 1987 - 1992
Recent Case Results
- Large white-collar crime, with alleged 100+ million loss, pending in multiple federal jurisdictions. The firm secures the release of the main defendant in the indictment after months of litigation. New Jersey-Oklahoma-California District Courts.
- A murder charge was dropped at the preliminary hearing following the presentation of defense witnesses and a mental health expert regarding the client's PTSD. LAX Courthouse.
- Mental health diversion resulting in a dismissal for a doctor facing misdemeanor sex crime allegations and 290 registration. Orange County Superior Court.
- Felony domestic violence charge pending at the preliminary hearing results in informal DA diversion, leading to dismissal after completion of treatment classes. LAX Courthouse.
- Case involving illegal possession of weapons and drugs results in full dismissal due to violation of client's rights. Los Angeles Downtown Courthouse.
- Child abuse charges dropped after informal DA Diversion and completion of treatment classes. San Fernando Court.
- Numerous felony fraud charges against a police officer were reduced to one misdemeanor, ultimately expunged. Los Angeles Downtown Courthouse.
- Sex offenses are handled informally through an office hearing, without filing charges in court, for a music producer. Van Nuys Court.
- Sex offense investigation against a professor closed without formal charges after firm intervention and presentation of defense evidence. LAX Court.
- An embezzlement case was resolved without formal charges in court after presenting defense evidence. Glendale Court.
- Judicial diversion following reduction of case to a misdemeanor following a felony car theft arrest. Our client will be dismissed entirely after completing community service. Inglewood Superior Court.
- Domestic violence charges were dropped against an attorney following a year-long investigation. The alleged victim was a peace officer. The firm's timely intervention was critical. Santa Clarita Superior Court.
- A social media personality facing domestic violence felony arrest has the case dismissed without charges in court after the presentation of defense evidence. Long Beach Superior Court.
- An Ivy-league student facing fake ID and a minor in possession allegations, following criminal citation, obtains an informal prosecutorial program. No formal charges were filed in court.
- Sex offense charges were dropped at the preliminary hearing for the client after the presentation of defense evidence and cross-examination. Van Nuys Courthouse.

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