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White Collar Crimes

San Fernando Valley White Collar Crimes Lawyer

Federal Crimes Defense and White Collar Attorneys in Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley

Eisner & Gorin, LLP, has been aggressively helping individuals who are under investigation by state or federal agents, or have been arrested, for Federal charges, or California White Collar Crimes.

Our Pre-Eminent Law Firm has a long history of successes in criminal defense cases in all federal and states courts for Drug CrimesInternet Sex Crimes, Child Pornography, and Fraud Offenses. Our Pre-filing Intervention efforts have led to the release from custody of individuals investigated or arrested for federal crimes, rape, child molestation, robbery, and murder.

White Collar Crimes in Federal Court

The term “white collar crime” generally is used to describe crimes that have cheating or dishonesty as their common basis. Typically it is a criminal offense that usually involves theft of funds that takes place within a corporate or business setting.

Crimes of this nature are often alleged against those in high profile, leadership positions such as executives, directors, or managers. Our federal crimes attorneys strongly believe these people do not deserve serious punishment, nor the stigma of a criminal record especially where restitution can make the alleged victims whole.

Especially in the current economic environment, white-collar crime suspects need strong and experienced defense lawyers who can clear their name and get them the best possible disposition. Some of the more common white-collar crimes are defined below:

Embezzlement: fraudulent conversion of property of another by a person in lawful possession of that property.

Bribery: corrupt payment or receipt of anything of value in return for official action.

Forgery: making or altering of a false writing with intent to defraud.

Fraud: an intentional false misrepresentation of a matter of fact which induces another person to part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender a legal right.

Perjury: willful and corrupt taking of a false oath in regard to a material matter in a judicial proceeding.

Aggressive Criminal Attorneys Defending all Federal Cases

We can help you to aggressively fight your case and avoid the consequences of criminal conviction resulting from a Federal Law violation. A violation of federal law typically carries substantial prison time and fines. We work closely with our clients to construct an aggressive courtroom strategy. We then deliver a hard-hitting courtroom defense, whether the case is pending a grand jury investigation or a jury trial.

For our client's convenience, our main office is located across the street from the Van Nuys Courthouse and Jail. We specialize in aggressively defending federal cases throughout California and across the United States.

If you are being investigated for, or are already charged with a Federal Criminal Violation, call the criminal defense attorneys at Eisner & Gorin, LLP, at 877-781-1570. Our knowledgeable legal team can evaluate your case issues and advise you of your legal options before you go to court.

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Eisner Gorin LLP is committed to answering your questions about Criminal Defense law issues in Los Angeles, California.

We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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