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Assault and Battery

San Fernando Assault and Battery Lawyers

Eisner & Gorin, LLP, is a top-rated criminal defense firm. Our criminal defense lawyers have been helping clients throughout all San Fernando Valley courtrooms to obtain superior results for over 50 years. Our firm specializes in the defense of charges of violence such as Assault (Penal Code Section 240), Battery (Penal Code Sections 242, 243), and Assault with a Deadly Weapon or Means to Cause Great Bodily Injury (Penal Code Section 245).

When we work with our clients, we do everything possible to make sure that they receive aggressive representation in and out of court. That is why we have been annually selected as a Pre-Eminent Top 5% U.S. Law Firm by Martindale-Hubbell, a nationally-recognized law firm review service.

Assault, Use of Weapon or Means Likely to Produce Great Bodily Injury

Assault is defined as any conduct that would cause another person to reasonably believe that he or she is in danger of either immediate harm or unwanted contact. Depending on the circumstances and severity of the offense, it can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony crime. There are many valid defenses to an assault charge and it is imperative that you contact an attorney immediately so that he or she may begin conducting an investigation into your case. Immediate intervention is the best way to ensure a successful defense by allowing the investigation of evidence and witnesses that may be favorable to your case. You need the legal representation of an experienced San Fernando Valley attorney who will aggressively fight your case and help you through the process.

Battery upon a Person, Police Officer, or in a Dating Relationship/Marriage

Assault constitutes a threat of violence that causes the victim to fear that he or she is in immediate danger of unwanted contact without actually requiring that the contact occurred. In contrast, battery is defined as any such offensive touching of another individual with the intent to cause harm. The Battery offense may carry enhanced punishment if it happened on school grounds, involved a school employee, bus driver, or police officer, or was committed during a dating relationship/marriage. The greater the injury caused, the more serious the punishment pursuant to Penal Code Section 12022.7 (inflicting of great bodily injury). However, to be charged criminally, the touching does not have to result in actual physical harm or pain to the other person so long as it was unwanted. Like with assault, there are many defenses available to a battery charge and a skilled and experienced San Fernando Valley attorney is necessary to help you successfully defend yourself against such charges.

Assault and Battery Punishment

Assault and Battery can be prosecuted as either a misdemeanor or a felony. A person that is convicted of assault and/or battery charges may be punished with:Probation or parole

  • Imprisonment
  • Anger management class
  • Fines
  • Loss of the right to possess a deadly weapon

Any individual who has had a prior conviction or is currently on probation or parole may face enhanced criminal charges and/or sentencing. Due to the life-altering nature of an assault or battery conviction, it is important that if you are charged you retain the services of an experienced and knowledgeable attorney.

Aggressive Defense to Assault and Battery Charges

At Eisner, & Gorin, LLP, we can help you to establish a successful defense. We can help you to aggressively fight your case and avoid the consequences of a strike offense on your record! Let us negotiate with the police and prosecutors on your behalf, before charges are even brought to court. We promise an aggressive courtroom defense whether the case is pending a preliminary hearing or a jury trial.

For our client's convenience, our main office is located across the street from the Van Nuys Courthouse and Jail. We specialize in aggressively defending cases in the following courthouses: Van NuysSan Fernando, Santa Clarita, Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena, Sylmar Juvenile and Los Angeles.

If you have been charged with a serious criminal offense, call the criminal defense attorneys at Eisner & Gorin, LLP, at 877-781-1570. Our knowledgeable legal team can evaluate your case issues and advise you of your legal options before you go to court.

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Eisner Gorin LLP is committed to answering your questions about Criminal Defense law issues in Los Angeles, California.

We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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