Why Local Attorneys
Our Defense Lawyers Appear Daily in Local Criminal & DUI Courts
Our Pre-Eminent criminal defense law firm provides the local advantage of knowing the customs and practice in the courtroom where your case will be called. Why is this important? Our defense lawyers know that many of the courts offer informal diversion programs, City Attorney hearings, and drug court treatment – instead of criminal prosecution and punishment. We will aggressively advocate on your behalf to avoid the stigma of a criminal conviction and jail time. When a successful settlement or pre-trial disposition is not available, we doggedly fight criminal charges at the preliminary hearing and jury trial. Our Pre-Filing Intervention efforts have led to numerous cases being resolved through City-Attorney hearings rather than filed charges in criminal court, including cases involving arrests for domestic violence, child abuse, and prostitution.
We have more than 50 years combined criminal litigation experience in local courts. Our law partners are former Los Angeles prosecutors who have litigated cases on behalf of the government for over 20 years in the superior courts of San Fernando, Van Nuys, Santa Clarita, Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena, and Sylmar Juvenile. Today, as criminal defense attorneys, our firm partners appear daily in courts throughout the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles County. Most importantly, our experienced defense lawyers have professional relationships in local court with the prosecutors, judges, and clerks responsible for running the courtroom that your case will be called in. We have had numerous victories in local court for clients facing Criminal and DUI charges.
We work closely with our clients to develop a successful courtroom strategy. Only our firm partners work on fighting your case in court! The firm's criminal defense work includes all felony and misdemeanor charges involving Violent Crimes, Sex Crimes, Domestic Violence, Theft and Fraud, Burglary, DUI, Internet Sex Crimes, Internet Fraud Crimes, Weapons charges, Bench Warrants, Juvenile Crime, and Drug Offenses.
Eisner & Gorin, LLP, has offices throughout the San Fernando Valley and in Los Angeles including Van Nuys, Burbank, Santa Clarita, Pasadena, and Glendale. Our criminal defense attorneys are available seven days per week for an immediate consultation.
Contact the law firm immediately at 877-781-1570, for a free consultation.