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Major Difference Between Law Firm VS Public Defender

Posted by Dmitry Gorin | Dec 17, 2016 | 0 Comments

No doubt, many of us tend to believe that the public defenders that are appointed by the State are incapable of delivering great solutions. People mostly see them as the worst option possible, regardless of what kind of case we may be talking about. Hence, most individuals tend to work with public attorneys only if they do not have any other choice whatsoever.

With that said, in truth, most of the public defenders are not that bad. These guys are also highly qualified and have the skills and the experience to represent you in court. Nevertheless, just imagine how many cases they need to handle on a day to day basis. Too many people these days are unable to afford legal representative from a law firm, and they are turning to public lawyers for help. Every public defender has dozens of cases that he needs to deal with simultaneously. This obviously means that he will not be able to invest all of his time and efforts into making sure that your case is his top priority. In most cases public attorneys will not have the time to talk to you outside of the courtroom, which is also a huge disadvantage.

Do not forget that the State is not providing public lawyers with sufficient funding. This is also a major flaw, seeing how it means that these lawyers will not have the resources to ensure that they are working with the best outside experts and specialists. We are talking about independent forensics experts, examiners, evidence testing labs and so on. Hence, it will mean that you will not get the most from legal representation and this will imply that you may get a harsher legal sentence and a more severe verdict.

One way or the other, the official statistical data clearly indicates that cases in which people were represented by public defenders did not turn the case in their favor. Hence, if you have the possibility to afford a legal representative from a law firm, who will be able to dedicate all of his time and efforts into handling the matter properly, it is best to hire the law firm in order to get the best results possible. After all, aside from the fact that such a lawyer will be able to provide you with all the time and efforts he has, he also has the resources, which will prove to be genuinely invaluable for your case.

In addition, public defenders may not be as affordable as you may think. For example, in case you will choose to plead guilty, you may be required to pay all the court fees or it may cause you a jail time.

Therefore, in the event that you or your loved ones were charged with some type of crime and you wish to really avoid the harsh legal penalties, it is essential to consider hiring a professional law firm representative. He will devote all his efforts and all his time to make sure your original charges get reduced or dismissed.

About the Author

Dmitry Gorin

Dmitry Gorin is a State-Bar Certified Criminal Law Specialist, who has been involved in criminal trial work and pretrial litigation since 1994. Before becoming partner in Eisner Gorin LLP, Mr. Gorin was a Senior Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles Courts for more than ten years. As a criminal tri...


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